Outsourced Help Desk Services

Outsourced help desk serves to resolve your employees’ or customers’ user issues (L1) and technical issues (L2, L3) of your software or IT infrastructure. In help desk services Towa provides users, software, and IT infrastructure support for both IT and non-IT companies.

For product companies and enterprises

Don’t exhaust yourself with the painful issues your software or IT infrastructure may bring.

For White-Label Service Desk

Empower your help desk tasks to a reliable provider with 20 years of experience in IT.

Why Choose Towa

20 years of experience in IT service desk and help desk.

More than 300 IT specialists onboard.

Mature quality management system allowing to implement projects, fully meeting customers' quality, time, and budget expectations.

Assured safety of the customers’ data we access during the cooperation proved by ISO 27001 certificate and best practices.

Effective Support Team for your Company

We will take care of user, software, and IT infrastructure support letting you get the maximum value from your digital environment and shift your focus to strategic goals.

IT Help Desk Support Levels We Offer

To quickly assign a service ticket to a specialist with the right set of expertise, we offer segmenting the support team into different levels according to the complexity of issues they are expected to handle.

L1 Support

Our help desk specialists answer questions about software and infrastructure usage, provide instructions to solve usage issues and minor problems, such as restoring access when users forget their passwords, and create user guides, FAQs, and support articles.
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L2 Support

We help to resolve the issues of software and network configuration, software and hardware interoperability, perform log investigations to identify root causes of problems (e.g., server overload), and fix them if enhancements at the code level are not needed. We are also ready to offer combined L1/L2 support to speed up ticket processing.
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L3 Support

We offer L3 support. It includes tackling complex issues on the code level. We involve software engineers who can assist with fixing defects uncovered by L1 and L2 agents.
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IT Help Desk Communication Channels

Customer Portal

Case-Tracking System



Instant Messaging

Social Networks

Reliable IT Help Desk Services

Thorough IT Background

With deep experience in software development, QA, IT infrastructure services, we establish proactively and prompt IT infrastructure and software support.

Effective Collaboration

Based on past successful help desk projects, we know how to establish collaboration between help desk specialists and developers, admins, QA team, and other in-house and external professionals.


We adjust to our customer’s various and changing requirements for the size and skills of a help desk team, time coverage, pricing models, and communication channels.

Total Focus on Quality​

We provide mature help desk services and constantly improve the quality by gaining knowledge, investing in relevant training of help desk agents, making process changes to enhance help desk KPIs.

How We Manage Our IT Help Desk Services

Analysis of your request

We analyze your request for support help desk services, identify user roles, their access levels, estimate the number and urgency of incoming requests. These will help us size up the efforts required for your project.

Service planning and SLA preparation

We discuss the details of our cooperation and prepare the service level agreement (SLA) accordingly. Depending on each case, this document includes:

Description of the support service package and the estimated budget.​

Support hours, for example, 24/7 or 8/5.

The support team’s size and expertise, levels of support, contact channels, and ticketing system.

Definitions of incident priorities.

Incident response time accordingly to the priorities.​

Reporting schedule and the data that reports should contain. Choosing the right scope of our services that corresponds to your business needs and expectations, we offer a three-month trial period and can introduce changes to SLA, if needed.

Knowledge and responsibility transfer

We examine software documentation, conduct interviews with your company representatives, and analyze software functionality. To help us understand software design and expected behavior. We prepare documentation and instructions for our team.

After knowledge transfer is done, we set up a support handover meeting to transfer responsibility from your team to our help desk specialists.

Service Delivery

Processing requests according to SLA: we receive, assess, prioritize, and handle incidents. We regularly update users about the status of their current tickets to keep them informed. We solve problems that cause multiple similar incidents preventing software failures.

Analyzing results and monthly reports: we provide the reports containing the KPI's on incidents in the decided format.

Collecting user feedback: we collect users' feedback, change requests, and supply info on how to modify the software according to user needs.

Developing the knowledge base: based on the experienced and solved cases, our team prepares FAQs, articles, and other materials that can help software users solve similar incidents to significantly decrease the number of incoming tickets and reduce incident resolution time.

Leading proactive support: monitoring your software and detecting anomalies in performance, we pinpoint potential issues and address them even before service tickets arrive.

Process improvements: utilizing KPIs, we analyze the performance of our help desk team and define improvements in help desk operations. Based on potential business results, we share them with you and implement the approved improvement.

KPIs to Measure IT Help Desk Efficiency

Towa provides a possible set of KPIs to measure the effectiveness of the support services.

Main KPIs

First response time (FRT) measures the time between when a user submits a ticket and a support agent provides an initial response.

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) is based on short surveys that users fill out.

Resolution Rate (RR) indicates the percentage of issues resolved by support agents from the number of total tickets received.

Optional KPIs

Average time to resolution tracks how long customers have to wait for service agents to resolve their tickets.

The abandonment rate for calls measures the percentage of non-answered calls within the specified timing.

Critical management requires that a critical ticket can be escalated to an appropriate agent or department.

Value from our IT Help Desk Services

Having teamed with a wide range of customers, we know how to bring value to every business by:

Improving solution adoption: your product end-users are provided with quick and comprehensive answers to their questions on software usage, which helps them to discover and learn the full potential of the solution.

Increasing end-user satisfaction levels: software issues that your clients or employees encounter are solved as quickly as possible, making your clients and employees more loyal to your software products and company.

Eradicating staff issues: since you don’t have to hire, onboard, and train help desk specialists in your internal team, you avoid undesirable investments saving time and money for more relevant business needs.

What You Gain Outsourcing IT Help Desk to Us

Regular service level reports.

Incident reports with root cause analysis.

Knowledge base articles on various types of typical help desk requests.

User guides and FAQ.

Help desk assessments based on user surveys.

Cost Factors Of IT Help Desk Outsourcing

Pricing model (per ticket, bucket of hours).

Number of tickets.

Help desk levels (L1, L1/L2, L3).

SLA terms (e.g., response time, first contact resolution).

Time coverage (e.g., 8/5, 12/5, 24/5, 24/7).

Help desk team’s size and competencies.

The team member’s actual workload, e.g., 5 FTE (168h*5),

How Much Cost Outsourced IT Help Desk?

The price depends on the support level, time coverage, and the expected number of requests per month. Our Customer Success team is ready to provide an estimate.